The Institute's mission is to educate students in a broad range of skills and concepts involving the gathering, editing and presentation of information, and prepare them for a career in journalism. While there is a strong emphasis on the "craft" of journalism, the curriculum is designed to help students draw on and supplement their basic education so they are better equipped to handle intelligently the fundamental issues of the day. They will be exposed to the principles and ethics intrinsic to the profession, to enable them to hone their journalistic skills. The hope is that SSoMaC journalists will not only be competent practitioners by today's standards, but also that they will help raise those standards. Established in 2006, SSoMaC is a unit of Sambad-Ama Odisha Charitable Trust. The Trust, registered on 26.6.2006 under Indian Trust Act is devoted to promotion of culture, media and education among others.
SSoMaC has been given government approval vide letter no.3129/TC of 29.7.2006 of Department of Culture, Government of Orissa.
The Board of Studies of Utkal University of Culture has recommended and
the Academic Council has already approved the syllabus for the Master of
Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication Course.